Isnin, 22 Februari 2010

YTL beli sejuta cip tunggal WiMAX bagi rangkaian 4G

 YTL Communications Sdn. Bhd. (YTL Com.) hari ini mengumumkan pembelian sejuta unit cip tunggal WiMAX GDM7205 dan cip mod dua hala tunggal GDM7215 WiMAX/Wi-Fi dari pembekal peneraju WiMAX global, GCT Semiconductor (GCT).

GCT merupakan peneraju pembekal penyelesaian WiMAX bergerak yang berpusat di Amerika Syarikat.

YTL Com. dalam kenyataan yang dikeluarkan di sini berkata, perjanjian pembelian itu menunjukkan komitmen YTL dan tanda dedikasi GCT yang menyokong sepenuhnya penggunaan rangkaian perkhidmatan 4G di seluruh negara.

Kata kenyataan itu, GCT akan berkongsi kepakaran teknikal dan menyediakan YTL Com. dengan kemajuan cip WiMAX kuasa terendah yang boleh didapati di pasaran hari ini.

"Ini menjadikan visi YTL Com. untuk mencipta ekosistem lengkap dengan perkhidmatan Internet telefon menggunakan 4G menjadi kenyataan,'' kata kenyataan tersebut.

YTL Com. mahu menjadi pertama dalam dunia melancarkan rangkaian 4G seluruh negara menawarkan hubungan seni internet bergerak ke Malaysia.

GCT merupakan peneraju pasaran dalam menyediakan penyelesaian cip tunggal dunia WiMAX.

GCT memegang status penguasaan pasaran terbesar berdasarkan jualan set cip WiMAX dan beberapa pelanggan WiMAX baru-baru ini menggunakan teknologi GCT.

Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif YTL Com., Wing K. Lee berkata, pengumuman yang dibuat hari ini merupakan batu loncatan kepada YTL.

Katanya, memacu skala ekonomi merupakan keutamaan dalam usaha pembangunan ekosistem syarikat seperti mana syarikat membangunkan rangkaian 4G pertama di seluruh dunia.

"Dalam sejarah WiMAX, ia merupakan perkara yang signifikan bagi memastikan masa depan pelanggan akan menikmati harga yang terbaik dalam produk dan penyelesaian 4G,'' ujarnya.

Date : 22 Feb 2010

Great Eastern hampir miliki Tahan Insurance

Great Eastern Holdings Ltd. (Great Eastern) hampir pasti untuk memiliki perniagaan insurans am, Tahan Insurance Malaysia Bhd. (Tahan Insurance).

Menurut kenyataan dikeluarkan, Great Eastern telah meneruskan rundingan untuk memiliki segmen perniagaan tersebut.

''Syarat dan terma bagi pembelian tersebut perlu mendapat kelulusan pihak berwajib.

''Sekiranya pengambilan alihan tersebut dimuktamadkan ia tidak melibatkan transaksi besar di bawah peraturan penyenaraian Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited,'' katanya.

Pada bulan lalu, Tahan Insurance telah menawarkan untuk menjual perniagaan insurans amnya kepada pihak yang berminat.

Great Eastern telah menerima pelawaan tersebut.

Great Eastern dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh Great Eastern Holdings Ltd. dan syarikat induknya adalah Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd. (OCBC).

Difahamkan sekiranya rundingan itu berjaya, Great Eastern, salah sebuah syarikat insurans terbesar di negara ini, dijangka bakal mengukuhkan kedudukannya dalam segmen insurans am di Malaysia.

Syarikat tersebut menawarkan pelbagai produk seperti pelan insurans hayat, pelan berkaitan pelaburan, perlindungan gadai janji, perlindungan perniagaan, manfaat pekerja, insurans perubatan dan skim manfaat kesihatan kumpulan.

Great Eastern kini dikatakan berada di landasan yang betul untuk menjadi peneraju penyedia perkhidmatan kewangan di Asia.

Date: 22/2/2010

Isnin, 8 Februari 2010

Kemerosotan eksport mungkin sudah berakhir

Date: 8 Feb 2010

Kemerosotan dalam eksport mungkin sudah berakhir jika lonjakan 18.7 peratus tahun ke tahun pada Disember lepas, pertumbuhan dua angka sejak September 2008, merupakan petunjuk.

Lantunan yang lebih kukuh daripada yang diunjurkan sebanyak 12.5 peratus, mungkin tanda bahawa kesan pemulihan ekonomi boleh diatasi lebih awal daripada jangkaan, kata OSK Research dalam Kajian Pelaburan Ekuiti Malaysia.

Selain kesan asas yang rendah, ia berkata, lantunan ketara itu sebahagian besarnya disumbangkan oleh lonjakan dalam eksport barangan elektrik dan elektronik (+33.3 peratus), petroleum mentah (+77.2 peratus), petroleum bertapis (+37.5 peratus) dan kimia dan barangan kimia (+31.6 peratus).

Kecuali bagi gas asli cecair (-36.2 peratus) dan bulu (-0.2 peratus), semua kategori lain mencatatkan pertumbuhan besar, katanya.

Selari dengan peningkatan eksport, import melonjak 23.3 peratus tahun ke tahun, berbanding anggaran peningkatan 21.5 peratus. Barangan pengantara menyumbang 66.4 peratus daripada jumlah import, beralih kepada positif dengan pertumbuhan 18.8 peratus berbanding -4.4 peratus pada November 2009.

Eksport dan import masing-masing berkembang 9.2 peratus dan 3.4 peratus bulan ke bulan. Bagaimanapun bagi keseluruhan tahun, eksport dan import masing-masing susut 16.6 peratus, menyebabkan lebihan jumlah dagangan sebanyak RM118.4 bilion.

Sebahagian besar lantunan tahun ke tahun dalam eksport sebahagian dipacu oleh China (+99.3 peratus), Hong Kong (+49.9 peratus), Thailand (+64.0 peratus) dan Singapura (20.2 peratus).

Eksport ke Amerika Syarikat dan Jepun terus menguncup, masing-masing pada 0.5 peratus dan 33.3 peratus.

"Jika aliran semasa berterusan, kami yakin ASEAN akan menjadi pemacu utama pertumbuhan perdagangan luar. Walaupun Jepun dan Amerika Syarikat terus menjadi lima destinasi utama eksport Malaysia, ia mungkin diatasi oleh ASEAN suatu hari kelak," kata OSK Research.

Pemulihan dalam eksport itu juga mungkin menyokong jangkaan umum mengenai pertumbuhan keluaran dalam negara kasar (KDNK) pada suku keempat 2009, kata Kenanga Research dalam laporan berasingan.

Menerusi sokongan permintaan domestik yang semakin meningkat, dianggarkan KDNK meningkat kepada 2.8 peratus pada suku keempat 2009.

Ia berkata, momentum pertumbuhan eksport akan berterusan sekurang-kurangnya sehingga separuh pertama 2010 hasil sokongan permintaan yang kukuh dalam barangan elektrik dan elektronik serta pemulihan ekonomi dunia.

"Berdasarkan asas yang lebih tinggi pada separuh kedua tahun ini serta pemulihan global yang perlahan, kami menjangkakan pertumbuhan eksport akan meningkat bagi keseluruhan 2010 yang diunjurkan melantun ke 3.0," katanya.

Kekurangan belian Bursa terus jatuh

KUALA LUMPUR 8 Feb - Harga saham di Bursa Malaysia terus mencatatkan penurunan hari ini berikutan kekurangan belian institusi, kata para peniaga.

Indeks Komposit Kuala Lumpur FTSE Bursa Malaysia (FBM KLCI) turun 12.68 mata atau 1.02 peratus kepada 1,235.22 selepas dibuka 0.09 mata lebih rendah pada 1,247.81.

Para peniaga berkata sentimen yang lemah itu diburukkan lagi oleh krisis hutang berdaulat yang semakin meningkat di Eropah dan kelemahan pasaran serantau. Indeks Perusahaan turun 14.5 mata kepada 2,561.18 dan Indeks Perladangan susut 18.93 mata kepada 6,130.12.

Indeks FBM Emas jatuh 85.91 mata kepada 8,319.62, Indeks FBM70 berkurangan 59.9 mata kepada 8,180.78 manakala Indeks FBM Ace turun 50.78 mata kepada 4,263.85.

Kaunter rugi mengatasi kaunter untung sebanyak 608 berbanding 119 manakala 214 kaunter tidak berubah, 386 tidak diniagakan dan 25 yang lain digantung.

Jumlah dagangan turun kepada 769.125 juta saham bernilai RM1.316 bilion daripada 918.215 juta saham bernilai RM1.522 bilion, pada Jumaat minggu lepas.

Di kalangan saham wajaran tinggi, Sime Darby turun lima sen kepada RM8.31, Maybank susut sembilan mata kepada RM6.72, CIMB Group berkurangan 20 sen kepada RM12.22 dan Maxis merosot tiga sen kepada RM5.33.

Di kalangan kaunter cergas, KNM Group berkurangan tiga sen kepada 78.5 sen, Malaysian Res Corp susut empat sen kepada 13 sen tetapi ETI Tech naik 1.5 sen kepada 46 sen dan Talam jatuh setengah sen kepada 11.5 sen.

Jumlah dagangan di Pasaran Utama turun kepada 643.208 juta saham bernilai RM1.286 bilion, daripada 776.764 juta saham bernilai RM1.492 bilion pada Jumaat minggu lepas.

Jumlah dagangan Pasaran Ace meningkat kepada 65.579 juta unit bernilai RM15.938 juta daripada 49.643 juta unit bernilai RM11.003 juta, sebelumnya.

Waran susut kepada 38.195 juta saham bernilai RM6.88 juta daripada 57.859 juta saham bernilai RM8.807 juta sebelumnya.

Barangan pengguna menyumbang 31.981 juta saham yang diniagakan di Pasaran Utama, barangan perusahaan 165.912 juta, pembinaan 66.357 juta, perdagangan dan perkhidmatan 178.29 juta, teknologi 24.422 juta, prasarana 9.275 juta, kewangan 72.544 juta, hotel 2.530, harta 69.729 juta, perladangan 20.854 juta, perlombongan 11,000, REITs 1.277 juta, dan dana tertutup 24,000. - Bernama

AMMB catat untung RM1.07 bilion

KUALA LUMPUR 8 Feb. - Keuntungan sebelum cukai AMMB Holdings Bhd. meningkat kepada RM1.07 bilion bagi tempoh sembilan bulan berakhir 31 Disember 2009, peningkatan 13.1 peratus berbanding RM944.280 juta sebelumnya.

Perolehan meningkat kepada RM4.905 bilion berbanding RM4.423 bilion sebelumnya, kata AMMB kenyataannya kepada Bursa Malaysia hari ini.

"Keuntungan kumpulan itu adalah hasil daripada perolehan yang meningkat 23.8 peratus dan pertumbuhan pinjaman bersih yang lebih baik berbanding jangkakan sebanyak 14.1 peratus tahun ke tahun, yang sebahagian besarnya hasil daripada pertumbuhan positif sambungan pinjaman kewangan dan pinjaman bersindiket," kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan dan Pengarah Urusannya, Cheah Tek Kuang.

Mengenai unjuran ekonomi dan industri, beliau berkata: "Apabila kami melihat 2010, kami mendapat rangsangan hasil daripada keyakinan dunia untuk melihat ekonomi global pulih.

"Bagaimanapun, berdasarkan pergantungan kepada perdagangan dan eksport, kami menjangkakan proses pemulihan di Malaysia akan berlaku secara beransur-ansur."

Sektor kewangan kekal stabil, mendapat manfaat menerusi dasar kewangan berhemat, rangsangan fiskal dan pemantauan yang lebih ketat oleh bank pusat.

Pertumbuhan dalam pinjaman dan aset berwajaran risiko bertambah baik hasil daripada perbelanjaan kerajaan, prospek pemulihan global serta penggunaan swasta yang lebih positif

IRIS, Heitech Padu bida projek bekal pasport pintar ke Nepal

NEW DELHI 8 Feb. - Dua syarikat Malaysia membida projek membekalkan pasport elektronik (MRP) untuk kerajaan Nepal yang perlu memodenkan operasi imigresen sebelum tarikh akhir 1 April depan.

IRIS Corporation Bhd. dan Heitech Padu Bhd. menyertai senarai pembida antarabangsa untuk membekalkan MRP ke Nepal yang memerlukan kira-kira satu juta pasport setahun.

"Kedua-dua syarikat itu sudah menyuarakan minat untuk membekalkan MRP ke Nepal dan sudah mengemukakan cadangan masing-masing. Nepal memerlukan kira-kira empat juta e-pasport (elektronik) dalam tempoh empat tahun akan datang," kata Duta Besar Malaysia ke Nepal, Datuk Ilankovan Kolandavelu.

Pihak berkuasa Imigresen Nepal perlu mematuhi tarikh akhir antarabangsa pada 1 April bagi memperkenal MRP memandangkan negara di dunia melaksanakan pasport elektronik untuk tujuan keselamatan serta memudahkan perjalanan.

Tujuh belas syarikat memasuki tender kerajaan Nepal yang kemudiannya dibatalkan. Kementerian Luar Negara menyebut proses tender itu dibatalkan kerana 'sebab-sebab teknikal'.

Kerajaan dijangka membelanjakan AS$70 juta (RM245 juta) untuk e-pasport itu.

Kedua-dua syarikat Malaysia yang terkenal di peringkat antarabangsa itu dan mempunyai kepakaran dalam mengeluarkan pasport elektronik, akan bersaing dengan India yang turut membida projek itu.

Syarikat India menawarkan cetakan MRP pada AS$4 (RM14) sekeping.

Iris dan rakan usaha samanya baru-baru ini memperoleh projek yang sama di Bangladesh bagi membekalkan MRP dan visa elektronik, satu kontrak bernilai hampir RM259.70 juta. - Bernama

Jumaat, 5 Februari 2010

Mokhzani Mahathir

Mokhzani Mahathir - the second son of former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad - has staged a comeback since he quit the corporate scene six years ago. He appears more focused now, as seen in the Raffles Conversation in The Business Times of Singapore today.

Back with a vengeance

Malaysian businessman Mokhzani Mahathir, written off after the 1998 Asian financial crisis, has made a spectacular comeback with the listing of his 46.7 per cent-owned firm Kencana Petroleum. S JAYASANKARAN reports

IN what has proved to be a well-timed return to the market, Malaysian businessman Mokhzani Mahathir floated his 46.7 per cent-owned firm Kencana Petroleum on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange earlier this year, offering investors' shares at RM0.41 apiece. Given the boom in Malaysia's oil and gas industry, Kencana's shares soared and at current market valuations, Mr Mokhzani has emerged richer by at least RM236 million (S$102 million).

That's a triumphant comeback for a businessman who was all but written off after the 1998 Asian financial crisis. For Mr Mokhzani, however, his movement into oil and gas represents a back-to-roots event.

'By profession, I am a petroleum engineer anyway and I started my career with Shell,' he says. 'It was the first thing I did after I got back to Kuala Lumpur. It was also the first thing I did when I set out on my own.'

Then the businessman, the second son of former premier Mahathir Mohamad, got bitten by the Think-Big mentality that typified much of the Malaysian corporate sector in the 1990s.

In his words: 'Unfortunately, I got sidetracked and went into the other businesses which you know about and got into trouble. Tongkah, Pantai, I leveraged both the companies and me personally.'

In 2001, to stave off creditor banks and to blunt claims that his father's administration was practising nepotism (see sidebar), he had to sell the two companies, which had been involved in operations as diverse as healthcare and financial services.

'It was the same in both politics and business,' said Mr Mokhzani, who used to be assistant treasurer of the youth wing of the ruling United Malays National Organisation. 'I suppose the moral of the story is ... when you lose your way, go back to what you started from.

'We tried to settle all our debts but we couldn't. Nevertheless, the effort was made and it put us in good stead with some banks. Some of them wanted to maintain relationships with us, said they would be willing to help going forward. And the economy began turning and a few proposals had come to our table.'

One such proposal came from HL Engineering, a fabricator and petroleum services company. 'A lot of people make the mistake that it stands for Hong Leong,' says the businessman. 'But, no, it stands for Hin Loon after Chong Hin Loon, now the managing director of Kencana. We bought into it in late 2001 and we built it up and took it public this year.

The shares now trade at over RM2.50 apiece, which means the businessman is well and truly back. 'I have gone through the whole process of seeing shares fly and then crash,' he says, shrugging. Still, in Kencana's case at least, the shareholders have enjoyed seeing their shares going up.

A new shareholder is Quek Leng Chan, the tycoon behind the Hong Leong conglomerate, now reported to be among the top 10 shareholders. 'He is quite an aggressive investor,' says Mr Mokhzani. 'But I didn't know he was coming in. I only heard about it through a mutual friend, and I don't know what his strategy is.'

He intends to stick to Kencana. 'It is our main vehicle,' he says. 'We want it to be a brand name. I know there are others out there with the same name but they aren't related. For example, there is Kencana Property Management which recently bought Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. We got calls over that but they are no relation.'

His point is that the company will stick to its core business. 'Kencana concentrates solely on oil and gas and nothing else,' he insists. 'And we intend to remain that way. It's not going to be an investment holding company like Tongkah and Pantai were. No more, this time we are going to be very focused and concentrate on just one thing at a time.'

He does have other interests but they are relatively insignificant. 'They are not under Kencana and they are small,' he says. 'I have the franchise for Porsche, an IT company in education software and some very small property development.'

Porsche? 'I've always loved high performance cars, which is why I am involved in motor-sports and the Sepang International Circuit ,' replies Mr Mokhzani, who is chairman of the F1 circuit in Malaysia. 'In 2001, someone approached me to take up the Porsche franchise and I thought, 'why not, it's a good brand'.'

How many cars does he sell? 'We sell around 130 a year which is nothing compared to the 300 or so that are sold annually in Singapore,' he says. 'It's just amazing, the number they sell there.'

He has bowed out of active politics. 'I used to be treasurer of Umno Youth but now I no longer have any political ambitions,' says Mr Mokhzani. 'My father used to say 'choose one or the other, business or politics'. So I choose business.'

Still, he thought at one time that his business benefited his politicking. 'At the beginning, it helped,' he recalls.

'My hospital group came in very handy because I could send doctors to the villages to give free treatment and medicine ... My manufacturing division gave people jobs. Once I left all of that, I lost the ability to do that.' Mr Mokhzani's younger brother Mukhriz, however, is still in active politics and is an elected member of the executive committee of Umno's youth wing.

Mr Mokhzani downplays his property ventures. 'We have invested in a small way,' he says. 'It's just that we occasionally take up 5 to 10 per cent in other development projects through a private company.'

But he waxes enthusiastic about oil and gas. 'Global oil prices are high and so there is a lot of new investment,' he says. 'The oil people are hungry for concessions. I think it will remain bullish and it will last for quite a while.

'When companies sign a production sharing contract in Malaysia, it is usually for around 25 years. The first five, to explore and find, then you develop for the next 20 years. Once you sign, you have to work, that's the way it is. And Malaysia has signed quite a few PSCs (production sharing contracts) so for us, the support services, there is plenty of work. For the next three to five years, it will be bullish.'

But he wants to take it slowly and to lead through alliances. 'We are the new boys on the block and our shareholders' funds are still small,' he says. 'I don't want to stretch our resources. It's better for us to team up with known players rather than going it alone.'

One recent venture was an alliance between the Singapore-based unit of Thailand's Mermaid Maritime to form a drilling services company. Separately, another joint venture between the two awarded Kencana a US$136 million contract to design, construct, equip and deliver a new-build tender rig.

Mr Mokhzani is enthusiastic about the alliance. 'It has done three things for us,' he says. 'We signed a contract to create our own drilling service where we have a 60 per cent interest. Two, we formed a company to own a vessel where we have 25 per cent. And, three, we won a contract to build a vessel for them at US$135 million. Building such a vessel has not been done in Malaysia, so we will be the first.'

He is bullish about the company's potential. 'We are going to grow 10-15 per cent a year, easy,' says Mr Mokhzani confidently. 'We think Mermaid will give us another order in six months, this time for a US$200 million vessel. Our order book right now stands at RM1.8 billion. When we listed, it was around RM800 million. So we are delivering.'

'We have expanded our yards significantly but still we have our hands full at the moment,' he continues. 'The Mermaid deal is a very big undertaking for us and we are bringing in technical experts. It will jump-start the business for us.'

On a separate note, the businessman, who is an F1 buff and chairman of the Sepang International Circuit, does not see a problem with Singapore's entry into motor-sport. 'Every year there are, what, 17 to 18 races throughout the world?' he says. 'When the season starts, we are the second race and they will be, maybe, the 13th. And the races are getting better in the sense that this year - with the Hamilton/Alonso thing - was really exciting.'

'I know Ong Beng Seng (the hotelier who helped bring F1 to Singapore) very well,' confides Mr Mokhzani. 'We had begun to talk about this two years ago and we have helped them. They've come here and we have shown them the workings of the track. To my mind, we are not really competing. Next year may be their first but it will be our 10th.'

He thinks it's been a great boon to the country. 'We have aggressively marketed it and by doing so we have promoted the country,' he says. 'Consumers are spoilt for choice - they have the English Premier League, they have rugby, all sorts of things. So we have had to hard-sell it to bring in the tourists, RM6-RM7 million a year in promotion. I believe Singapore is also looking at it from that point of view.'

Painful lessons from Asian crisis

MOKHZANI Mahathir surprised everyone when in April 2001 he declared that he was giving up his business interests in a bid to protect the family name in response to people who had accused his father's administration of nepotism. Mr Mokhzani's father is Malaysia's fourth prime minister Mahathir Mohamad, now 82, who stepped down on Oct 31, 2003.

Mr Mokhzani informed the stock exchange that he was selling his interests in two listed concerns - Pantai Holdings and Tongkah Holdings - which were then involved in healthcare, manufacturing, financial services and property development. He sold at a time of depressed stock market prices and couldn't have made much out of those transactions.

It was clear from his tone during that period that he was tired of repeated attacks from his father's political opponents that his corporate climb had been due to family ties. 'I am fed up with all these allegations,' he told a newspaper then. 'In this political climate, everything these companies do is construed as favouritism, and it's unfair to other shareholders.'

The onset of the Asian financial crisis deepened tensions between Dr Mahathir and his deputy Anwar Ibrahim, who was sacked in September, 1998, accused of 'moral misconduct'. Political temperatures soared and, in the process, the scrutiny over the business interests of Dr Mahathir's children intensified, hurting the premier's prestige.

Now Mr Mokhzani is back and enjoying favourable investor attention again through his company Kencana Petroleum which he took public late last year. But he's not about to forget those dark days. 'In 1999, the political temperature was quite hot,' says the businessman. 'And there was the economic crisis. And so for me, it was one step forward and several steps back.'

Is there anything he will carry over from the Asian crisis? Mr Mokhzani does not hesitate: 'With 20:20 hindsight, I guess I was far too diversified, I spread myself too thin and geared up too highly.'

The moral for the businessman is simple. 'Don't borrow too much,' he says. 'I geared up personally so I should know. You know, Pantai Holdings was a gem of a company, it had cash and it had a good, viable business with concessions. But we had to sell, you have to be able to survive so you step away and wait to come back another day.'

At the height of the crisis, Mr Mokhzani was reported to have racked up debts of close to RM200 million. He sold his interest in hospital specialist Pantai Holdings to Malaysian businessman Lim Tong Yong who controversially sold it to Singapore's Parkway Holdings last year. That caused a brouhaha as Pantai had two lucrative government concessions. In the end, state investment agency Khazanah Nasional stepped in and took up a majority interest in Pantai.

'I didn't have much of a surplus after I sold everything, not at all, just sort of enough to keep the bankers off my back,' continues Mr Mokhzani. 'But I did the right thing. Someone once told me never to be emotional about my companies. There should be no sentiment in business.'

He does not state the extent of his debt. 'Frankly, I'd rather not remember,' he says, wincing. 'It pushed me to take drastic action. We were getting letters from the banks with some threatening to take legal action against me. Not all though, one or two stood by us. Now, the bankers who stood by me are happier today than they were five years ago.'

Robert Kuok, the Real Sugar Daddy

If there really is a real sugar daddy, it’s Robert Kuok. Not because he is a Casanova or some sort, but simply because the sugar business made him a celebrity businessman.

Apart from being a king of sugar, Kuok also involves in a number of other businesses including freight & transportation, hospitality, manufacturing, distribution, oil and mining, finance, properties and publishing.

Forbes estimated Kuok to worth around $9 billion in 2008, which makes him the richest man in Malaysia as well as in South East Asia.

Just like Boon Siew and Lim Goh Tong who migrated from China main land to the then Malaya, Robert Kuok’s family too, were migrant. The difference is, it was his father who migrated from China. Kuok, the youngest of 3 brothers, was born in 1923 in Johor Bahru.

And unlike the late Boon Siew and Goh Tong, Kuok is one educated wealthy man. He received his early education in an English school and later enrolled into the Raffles College in Singapore, with Lee Kuan Yee as one of his school mates. He had a short stint working with Japanese company Mitsubishi after his studies in Raffles was halted due to Japanese invasion, before helping his father with trading business.

After his father’s death, Kuok and his two brothers made a decision to continue the business legacy, starting with sugar distribution and a few other commodities. Their business skills were picked up from their father, who was an avid trader.

Kuok’s massive involvement in sugar industry allowed his company to become the government’s supplier and Kuok opened up sugar refinery plants to grow it further. At the peak of his business, he was controlling as much as 80% of the sugar market in Malaysia, and about 10% of the global export market.

Driven by the success of his sugar business, Kuok swiftly expanded his business into flour milling, shipping, logistics, oil and gas and hotels. His rise to success, fame and prominence is attributed to both his expertise in spotting opportunities and his strong network with the big, corporate and government people. Kuok controls the Shangri-La hotel chains and is the largest shareholder of Transmile Group Berhad, which was involved in accounting irregularity scandal in 2007, plunging down the share price.

He is said to be checking his hotels every now and then to make sure that the staff are giving the service of highest quality. At times he invited taxi drivers for free lunch at the hotel’s cafe. Kuok is considered a true gentleman when dealing with people, including his employees. There is a story of Kuok asking permission from a cabin crew to smoke a cigarette in a plane he owns. When the crew told him that he wouldn’t need to ask anyone’s permission, he responded by saying that he is just asking in a capacity of a normal passenger.

Kuok also owns a string of Coca Cola bottling plants in China, as well as modern warehouse and cargo distribution centers in Hong Kong. His other regional businesses and interest include in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and Fiji. Robert Kuok is one of five advisers of the Iskandar Region Development Authority (IRDA), which is directly responsible to attract investment for the Iskandar Malaysia infrastructure project.